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PCS LATAM Avocat, founded in 2021 by Patricia CUBA-SICHLER, a French-Peruvian lawyer, registered in the Paris and Lima Bar, assists you in environmental law, commercial and business law, both in advisory and litigation, before the judicial and administrative courts, and in the management of your disputes with the administration and local authorities.

At an international level, we support you in your projects and business between France, the European Union, and the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean.


Environmental law ICPE polluted soils climate change regulation

Environmental Law

The challenges linked to climate change, the circular economy, the ecological transition, and today, the health crisis caused by COVID,...

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Set up in Peru Create a subsidiary in Peru Compliance

Business Law and International Trade Law

Our practice in litigation before the commercial court and the judicial court in general business law and commercial law, allows...

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Inheritance Divorce in Peru Personal rights

Personal Rights

We also deal with disputes of individuals related to family or wealth issues, involving one or more jurisdictions in Latin...

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Conference on the Environment Earth Summit Rio 92

In June 1992, the United Nations Earth Summit which was held in Rio de Janeiro, had brought together more than 178 countries. Patricia was present as a representative of Peruvian youth at the Global Forum.

Earth Summit 1992

Corporate social responsibility

Article L. 225-102-1 of the Commercial Code imposes to certain companies the obligation to make an extra-financial performance report, whose information should be verified by an authorized body. Patricia is an authorized auditor by COFRAC under the ISO 17020.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Interamerican Bar Association IABA

The Inter-American Bar Association, founded in 1940, represents an independent professional forum dedicated to the exchange of professional information and opinions in the interest of the rule of law of democratic institutions in the Western Hemisphere. Patricia is co-founder of the French chapter of the FIA ​​at the Paris Bar Association.

Inter-American Bar Association


Gazette du Palais, January 2024

14 de March de 2024

January 2024. Article in the Gazette du Palais, January 2024 edition covering the work of the Execution Routes Workshop which...

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Tierra Adentro Perú Program

13 de August de 2023

Interview by Patricia Cuba-Sichler on the Tierra Adentro Perú program last Sunday August 13th, about the concepts and recent European...

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Interview in Radio France International RFI about COP15 Biodiversity & Genetics Resources

25 de January de 2023

Patricia Cuba-Sichler talk about the issues of access to genetic resources and the application of theNagoya Protocol, within the framework...

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