The challenges linked to climate change, the circular economy, the ecological transition, and today, the health crisis caused by COVID, generate a strong and fast-paced environmental regulatory burden for companies and industries, in all sectors. The necessary involvement of companies in achieving the objectives of the Paris Agreement, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals SDG, towards a low-carbon economy, is more palpable than ever. PCS LATAM Avocat pleads for you in your disputes with third parties or with the Administration (judicial court, commercial court, administrative court) and advises you in your exchanges with the Administration (prefect, DREAL, among others).
- CLASSIFIED FACILITIES FOR THE PROTECTION OF THE ENVIRONMENTOR ICPE : exchanges and disputes involving administrative liability (administrative orders, formal notifications), criminal (complaints, accusations) or civil responsibility of the ICPE or that of its operators.|
- CONTAMINATED SOILS, in particular at the end of the ICPE’s activity (rehabilitation, real estate purchase and sale operations, interested third party procedure).
- CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND COMPLIANCE; advise for companies in their environmental and sustainable development policies, their corporate extra-financial performance statements (article L.225 102-1 of the French Commercial Code) and Compliance internal policies.
In terms of Biodiversity, based on our missions for key players in the pharmaceutical sector, we advise you on the ACCESS TO GENETIC RESOURCES, especially the regulations of the European Union and Latin American countries regarding Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS), according to the Nagoya Protocol.